STATA 기본 명령어 일람

.finditthe broadest possible keyword search
.summarizedescriptive statistics
icategorical variable
.typecontent of a file
.doexecute a do file
.logsave output
*, //, /* */comment
.set matsizeset variable limits
.scalarstore a single number or a string
.displayshow variable content
.matrix definecreate a matrix
.quietlyskip print log lines
.return listlist available types for r()
r()result call
e()estimate call
.ereturn listlist avaialbe types for e()
.globalglobal macro definition
.locallocal macro definition
.generatecreate a new variable
.foreach [var] of [variable list]iterate a list value
.forvalues [i]=1/4iterate i from 1 to 4
.forvalues i=1(2)11from 1 to 11 by step 2
'var'call local variable var
.while `i`<=4 {...}continues unti a condition is no longer met
.clearremove current dataset
.savesave a current dataset as .dta
.useread a dta file


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