[초록] 논문의 목적

영어 논문을 써야 하는 경영대학원 학생들을 위한 글입니다. 매번 조금씩 살펴보겠습니다. 이번 시간에는 초록(Abstract)입니다. 그 중에서도 논문의 목적(필요성, 정당성)을 밝히는 부분입니다.

#MISQ, 1990, VL 14, IS 1, 15-25
The purpose of this field study was to learn more about the experiences of managers in introducing information technology in organizations.

#MISQ, 1990, VL 14 IS 1, 27-42
These efforts are evolving from very specific, academically oriented efforts, such as medical diagnosis, to more managerially oriented corporate issues. Unfortunately, many proponents of these systems may be overlooking possible legal ramifications related to both the development and use of these systems.

#MISQ, 1990, VL 14 IS 1, 45-60
As information systems (IS) managers and computer security administrators attempt to address what may be a serious and persistent problem of computer abuse in organizations, two important aspects must be considered: discovery of abuse incidents and discipline of perpetrators. This field study examines how IS managers address these two activities.

#MISQ, 1991, VL 16, IS 1, 11-34
In spite of strong conceptual arguments for the value of strategic data planning as a means to increase data integration into large organizations, empirical research has found more evidence of problems than of success. In this paper, four detailed case studies of SDP efforts, along with summaries of five previously reported efforts, are analyzed

#MISQ, 1991, VL 16, IS 1, 55-76
Prior to this study, however, little was known about the problems involved with developing a global network or about the factors contributing to their success.

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