3월, 2019의 게시물 표시
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mindmap-tab/mkgjficalhplaenklhejcbmlkonbakjj?hl=ko&utm_source=chrome-ntp-launcher 브라우저에서 작동되는 간단하고 쓸만한 마인드맵을 찾다가 발견! 오호 좋다. 텍스트 에디터에서 바로 작업 가능하다. 예를 들어 에디터에 다음과 같이 입력하고 텍스트창에 붙여넣으면 마인드맵이 생긴다. 나에게는 정말 필요한 앱! 이렇게 하면

[결과] 숫자로 말하기

분석결과를 정리하기 위한 표현들입니다. [1] Regarding the effect of lagged channel-specific information stock, our results indicate that information stock accumulated through direct type-in (0.61) is the most effective in increasing search utility , followed by search engines (0.34) . [2] Although display/referral is the least popular channel according to Table 5 , information stock accumulated via this channel is still quite effective in making a website the entry site. [3] Direct channel (0.39) is the most effective channel in enticing consumers to visit beyond the entry site , followed by search (0.25) and email (0.24). [4] Table 2 outlines the statistics of user activity for mobile adopters in the first weeks. [5] As is evident from Table 2, women , on average, send far fewer votes (23.99 versus 30.97 for men). [6] In addition, note that women are far less likely to initiate explicit contact via sending a message (1.87 unique conversations initiated by women versus 4.7 conversa

[초록] 논문의 기여

논문의 기여점을 강조하기 #MISQ, 2018, VL 42, IS 1, 1-23 Our research contributes to the Information Systems (IS) outsourcing literature by providing a semiotic view on the design of outsourcing work supported by digital technologies. ... The results are highly significant for outsourcing theory and practice , not least since they suggest that the use of semiotics and visuals for re-representation may enable suppliers to reformulate outsourcing work and the expertise needed to deliver services. #MISQ, 2018, VL 42, IS 1, 45-62 Our results suggest that owner-governance should be considered because of increasing informedness. #MISQ, 2018, VL 42, IS 1, 83-10 These findings offer implications for platform designers on how to motivate user contributions and build sustainable online communities. #MISQ, 2018, VL 42, IS 1, 143-164 To the best of our knowledge, this study is among the first to analyze publisher website decision making in sharing user information with third parties.

[초록] 논의의 세부 내용

논문의 세부 내용입니다. #MISQ, 2018, VL 42, IS 1, 25-43 The empirical analysis suggests that IT infrastructure flexibility affects M&A through two key pathways : (1) a flexible IT infrastructure facilitates the development of business flexibility that provides the responsiveness to seize M&A opportunities and make acquisitions , and (2) a flexible IT infrastructure facilitates the development of post-M&A IT integration capability that provides the control to integrate the IT and business resources of the acquired firm and realize the economic benefits from M&A. #MISQ, 2018, VL 42, IS 1, 45-62 Interestingly, we find a region where owner-governance offers a higher probability of takeover but delegated-governance offers higher shareholder surplus. Under delegated-governance, the board endogenously sets an entrenchment level that is always greater than the entrenchment level preferred by the shareholders and increasing informedness reduces the probability of a takeover. #MISQ

[초록] 논문의 핵심 내용

초록에서 논문의 핵심 내용을 소개합니다. #MISQ, 2010, VL 34, IS 2, 233-259 In this study , we follow a perspective paradigm based on the strategic management literature to define IS strategy as an organizational perspective on the investment in, deployment, use, and management of IS. #MISQ, 2010, VL 34, IS 2, 261-279 By synthesizing relevant literature from cognitive psychology, marketing, and e-commerce, this study identifies key contextual factors that are conducive for creating brand positioning online via SERPs. #MISQ, 2010, VL 34, IS 4, 689-710 This paper argues that emotions are important drivers of behaviors and examines how emotions experienced early in the implementation of new IT applications relate to IT use. We develop a framework that classifies emotions into four distinct types: challenge, achievement, loss, and deterrence emotions. #MISQ, 2010, VL 34, IS 4, 757-778 Accordingly, we propose a training program based on two theories : the universal constructive instructional theor

[초록] 논문의 목적

영어 논문을 써야 하는 경영대학원 학생들을 위한 글입니다. 매번 조금씩 살펴보겠습니다. 이번 시간에는 초록(Abstract)입니다. 그 중에서도 논문의 목적(필요성, 정당성)을 밝히는 부분입니다. #MISQ, 1990, VL 14, IS 1, 15-25 The purpose of this field study was to learn more about the experiences of managers in introducing information technology in organizations. #MISQ, 1990, VL 14 IS 1, 27-42 These efforts are evolving from very specific, academically oriented efforts, such as medical diagnosis, to more managerially oriented corporate issues. Unfortunately, many proponents of these systems may be overlooking possible legal ramifications related to both the development and use of these systems. #MISQ, 1990, VL 14 IS 1, 45-60 As information systems (IS) managers and computer security administrators attempt to address what may be a serious and persistent problem of computer abuse in organizations, two important aspects must be considered: discovery of abuse incidents and discipline of perpetrators. This field study examines how IS managers address th